Indiana Aglime
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    To protect your investment and your yields, balance your soil pH with Indiana Aglime

    The Indiana Aglime Council members are producers of Aglime throughout the state of Indiana.

    The purpose of the Council is to promote the use of Aglime by farmers throughout the state of Indiana and surrounding states. This is achieved through a statewide ad campaign, direct mail, and exhibits at various farm- related shows. Additionally, the Aglime Council is a source of unbiased, reliable test results on the quality of aglime produced by member companies. Membership in the council is limited to Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association (IMAA) producer members who pay a membership fee to join the Aglime Council. You can learn more about the Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association at

    & Testing

    The Aglime Council Sampling & Testing Guidelines

    Your Green

    View the Indiana Aglime Quality Report

    Aglime Resources

    Additional Resources:

    The ABC’s of Great Gardens, Lawns and Plants begin with the letters: “pH”

    Even master gardeners, lawn and landscape professionals sometimes have to be reminded of the most essential building block in soil fertility for optimum plant health.

    That is, before the application of fertilizer and other soil management techniques has any bearing on growth and yield, it’s absolutely critical that the soil pH is right.

    Because, as these professionals inevitably discover in their years of working the ground, if a soil pH is too low (acidic), fertilizers and other plant-health promoters just don’t work very w... READ MORE

    Homeowners, Master Gardeners, Lawn & Landscape Professionals

    Precision soil sampling and variable rate aglime application maximizes both yield potentials and return on investments!

    Precision Management

    Precision soil testing provides an inventory of several factors that affect yield. Potential yield limiting factors are identified and management practices that focus on raising these limits can then be implemented.

    Soil pH is a very important part of crop production. The soil pH determines how efficiently many of the necessary inputs can be utilized by the crop. Herbicide performance and nutrient availability can be dramatically affected by the soil p... READ MORE

    Precision Soil pH Management with Variable Rate Aglime

    Trying to maximize corn profits without understanding acidity is like building a skyscraper without pouring a foundation first—the entire structure will probably come crashing down. Managing pH levels becomes even more important if you’re growing continuous corn.

    “I’ve looked at many yield comparisons trying to figure out why one farmer raises 220-bu. corn and another, with similar soils, gets only 180 bu.,” says Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie. “There could be many reasons, but pH is right up there. High-yielding growers hold soil pH constant, and don’t let it swing up and down. Yield losses because... READ MORE

    Corn Route 4: Lime to Win

    Changing market opportunities here at home and rising market expectations around the world are forcing U.S. farmers to consider all possible avenues toward being more productive.

    In that vein, outside of all the latest seed, equipment and other technologies designed and proven to maximize yield, growers are pushing onto ground that is, at best, marginally suitable for row crop production.

    Understandably, trying to leverage these fields for all they can offer, farmers are inclined to use an intensive application of fertilizers, herbicides and other such crop inputs.

    Those who are more successful are those who ... READ MORE

    Maximum Yield on Marginal Ground


    Copyright 2025, The Indiana Aglime Council | Powered by Q4 Impact Group