Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane or Longitudinal Joint Sealant

Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) or Longitudinal Joint Sealant (LJS) elevates pavement performance from the bottom up. Evergreen Roadworks is the world’s largest applicator of a premium class of VRAM/LJS known as J-Band. Unlike other treatments, J-Band significantly reduces air voids in longitudinal joints from the bottom up – literally. This not only extends the life of the joint, but improves the performance of the entire pavement.



  • Proven to more than triple the life of the longitudinal joint
  • Stretches infrastructure dollars by helping roads last longer
  • Reduces road maintenance and associated construction zones
  • While rumble strips save lives, they often reduce the life and performance of the road without VRAM
  • Applied 16-18” wide prior to paving
  • Less maintenance, more safety
  • Longer lasting roads
Issues Addressed
  • Reduces Permiability
  • Fills voids to address premature failure
  • Extends road life
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Chip Seal

Thick Asphalt Emulsion with Rolled Aggregate

An application of asphalt emulsion or chemically modified asphalt, followed by a a layer of aggregate which is rolled and embedded into the emulsified asphalt. The process may be repeated to create a double or triple chip seal. Chip seals are used to prevent water intrusion into a pavement and create a high friction surface for safety. Chip seal emulsions can be polymer modified to improve aggregate retention and provide for a quicker return to traffic.

  • Reduces life cycle costs by 45-50% when compared to traditional HMA mill and fill.
  • Reduces energy use and greenhouse gasses by 50%
  • Returns traffic to roadways faster than HMA placement
  • Extends the life of roadways five - seven years on average and reduces lifecycle costs of the roads
  • Increases skid resistance
  • Reduces water intrusion
  • Eases construction
  • Slows reflective cracking
Issues Addressed
  • Minor cracking (less than 1/4”)
  • Raveling
  • Low friction
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Micro Surfacing

A Durable, Latex or SBS Polymer-Modified Asphalt Seal

Micro surfacing is a surface treatment used as a preventative maintenance and corrective pavement treatment. It is used to increase surface friction, restrict moisture intrusion, protect the structure from further oxidation and raveling, and restore a uniform dark appearance. Micro surfacing is a mixture of fine aggregates, additives, asphalt emulsion and polymers. Due to the formulation, micro surfacing may be placed in greater thickness than slurry seal. It is the most economical choice when leveling or rut filling is required. Micro surfacing allows quick construction times and minimal disruption to the traveling public.

  • Reduces life cycle costs of roadways by 25-45% compared to traditional resurfacing
  • Reduces energy use and greenhouse gasses by more than 45% compared to traditional HMA placement
  • Traffic can be returned to the roadway within one hour
  • Adds at least six to eight years when applied at optimum time for pavement preservation
Issues Addressed
  • Friction loss
  • Raveling
  • Rutting
  • Uneven surface profile
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Cape Seal

Single Pass Micro Surfacing

A Cape Seal is a two-step pavement preservation process that combines two surface treatments: a chip seal and a slurry seal or micro surfacing.  A single flexible chip seal layer is placed first, allowed to cure, then it is covered with a durable and wear-resistant micro surfacing or slurry seal layer. This allows skid resistance, seals the pavement against moisture, protects the pavement from oxidation and raveling, restores a dark appearance, and seals moderate cracks.

  • Reduces life cycle costs by 25% when compared to HMA overlay
  • Reduces greenhouse gases by 30% and energy use by 15% when compared to HMA overlay
  • Return to traffic in 1 - 4 hours per treatment and each treatment will need additional cure time before application of 2nd treatment
  • Adds 8–10 years (when applied for optimum preservation performance)
  • Seals moderate cracks
  • Increases skid resistance
  • Improves color contrast between pavement and striping
  • Restores surface characteristics
  • Protects the structure from moisture intrusion
  • Protects the structure from oxidation
  • Maintains drainage patterns and curb reveal
Issues Addressed
  • Moderate cracking
  • Loss of friction
  • Oxidation
  • Raveling
  • Lack of uniform color for restriping
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Pug Mix

Coarse Aggregate with CM or HFE

Pug Mix is a carefully engineered blend of asphalt cement and aggregates mixed in a pugmill. Its design is ideal for road bases, offering a durable, water-resistant layer for new pavements or surface rehabilitation projects.

  • Requires less asphalt binder
  • 20-50% less expensive than HMA
  • Extends the useful life of asphalt
  • Creates a recycled asphalt pavement (RAP)
  • Versatile usage in new construction base or existing road repair
  • Moisture resistant
Issues Addressed
  • Prevents rutting and cracking
  • Drainage and erosion control
  • Reduced energy use and emissions
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Fog Seal

Diluted Asphalt Emulsion

A fog seal is a single application, typically light, of emulsified asphalt to an existing asphalt road surface. This type of maintenance treatment can be a valuable aid to renew weathered (oxidized) asphalt surfaces and improve the surface appearance, seal minor cracks and surface voids, and inhibit raveling. Fog seals may also be used on chip seal applications to help lock the coarse aggregate and provides a dark color, which improves safety by making the striping more visible.

  • Economical way to refresh grayed-out roadways
  • Extends pavement life by two to four years
  • Reduces vehicle damage claims on chip sealed surfaces
  • Helps melt snow and ice on roadways
  • Makes striping more visible
  • Protects the pavement structure from moisture intrusion and oxidation
  • Improves pavement life and may delay the need for major maintenance or rehabilitation
  • Improves road safety by enhancing color contrast between pavement surface and road markings
Issues Addressed
  • Minor surface cracks
  • Oxidation
  • Raveling
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Tack Coat

Bituminous Liquid Asphalt Emulsion Layer

A tack coat is a light application of an asphalt emulsion designed to ensure a strong bond between asphalt pavement layers to prevent slippage or de-lamination of the hot mix overlay from the underlying layer caused by traffic and environmental factors.  Tack coat is sprayed on a road surface before a layer of hot mix asphalt is placed.

  • When applied, bond coat prevents debonding and major road failure, saving up 100% to the cost of a top lift
  • Many emulsions used for bond coat have little or no petroleum solvents or hydrocarbon emissions. They are also used at a lower temperature so that saves energy and provide a safer work environment.
  • Properly applied, tack coat can double the life-span of a standard HMA road
  • Bond coat adds stability to a road by bonding multiple layers together allowing them to act a single unit
  • Helps create a monolithic structure
  • Significantly reduces delamination
  • Improves fatigue life
  • Reduces rutting and shoving
  • Facilitates better compaction
Issues Addressed
  • Debonding
  • Slipping
  • Shoving
  • Rutting
  • Delamination
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